Art and Autism

Posted: 6th January 2023
For those of us who cannot always get words to come out of our mouths, art offers a way of self-expression.

The experience of expressing one’s self through art has widely been practiced as a form of therapy. As it’s no surprise that art brings a sense of calmness and serenity. This is shown to be true when talking about art and autism.

Most individuals on the autism spectrum have difficulty with social and verbal communication. Some are nonverbal, while others find it challenging to hold a conversation and are unable to read the body language and faces of others successfully.

What are the benefits of art and workshops?

Art therapy allows people with ASD to use their already visually-minded brains to communicate through artistic media. They can record images and visual data, express ideas and process memories that they are unable to do verbally.

Allowing people to build communication skills in another way in a comfortable setting where they can find happiness and success.

Approaches to art and working together

While most art therapy sessions are one-on-one, they can occur in a group setting, too. Having limited art supplies allows children to practice sharing and taking turns and improving social skills among their peers.

Working collaboratively on a single piece of art also fosters peer relationships. In this type of setting, one child draws something and the picture is passed to the next person, who adds to the work until everyone has contributed their part.

This activity allows the children to acknowledge those around them and be more aware of others and their involvement in the project.

Famous Autistic Artists

Stephen Wiltshire.

Stephen Wiltshire MBE, Hon.FSAI, Hon.FSSAA is an artist who draws and paints detailed cityscapes. He has a particular talent for drawing lifelike, accurate representations of cities, sometimes after having only observed them briefly.

Stephen was born in London, United Kingdom to West Indian parents on 24th April, 1974. As a child he was mute, and did not relate to other people. Aged three, he was diagnosed as autistic. He had no language and lived entirely in his own world.

He started drawing at the age of five. Sir Hugh Casson, President of London’s Royal Academy of Art, referred to him as the best child artist in Britain. Stephen has since travelled the world and exhibited on every continent with record attendances. He continues to draw every day and his motto is ‘Do the best you can and never stop’.

Henriett Seth F.

Henriett Seth F. is an award-winning autistic Hungarian savant. Her extraordinary abilities became evident when she was about 8. She is an accomplished author, poet, musician and artist.

At Fresh Creative CIC we have also worked with several groups and created various works. So the general public can see what art can help to achieve.

Changemakers Festival

Mixtup and Swansea Museum


Fresh Creative Co
Humphrey Lane Studios,

+44 (0)7306 562 255