Space Graffiti Workshop

Posted: 1st October 2022
We ran a workshop for @weareplatfform in a mini festival organized by @platfform4yp as part of a series of FREE workshops for creative, young minds!

The workshop involved teaching the participants spray painting techniques, focusing on galaxies and outer space. Artist, @ffionnolwenn, taught the young people how to make planets, stars, water effects and clouds, with an element of stencil making too!

Starting with basic spray can control, they then got to practice on smaller boards. When they were happy with their colour schemes and various techniques, they created larger pieces for the Platfform venue and also to take home!

It’s always a blast working with Platfform for these workshops. We want to say a big thank you to everyone involved and we can’t wait to run more workshops with you soon.


Fresh Creative Co
Humphrey Lane Studios,

+44 (0)7306 562 255